Italian Immigration Law

Italian Immigration Law

Studio legale Avvocato Giuseppe Briganti - Pesaro - Urbino - Famiglia - minori - immigrazione - discriminazioni - legal tech - nuove tecnologie - privacy - consumatoriItalian Immigration Law

At the Law Firm of Attorney Giuseppe Briganti, we specialize in all aspects of Italian Immigration Law.

Our Services

With our specific expertise gained to date, we offer the following main services without geographical limits:

  • Legal consultation in-office or remotely
  • Legal assistance in administrative proceedings
  • Legal support in administrative appeals
  • Legal representation in ordinary and administrative courts
  • Consultation and legal assistance in anti-discrimination matters
  • Consultation and legal assistance in criminal matters
  • Specialized legal assistance for asylum seekers on grounds of gender identity and sexual orientation
  • For Lawyers: co-defense and collaborations.



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+39 3389911553



Some of the Aspects We Cover

  • Consultation and legal assistance in administrative proceedings for international protection requests (asylum, subsidiary protection, special protection)
  • Legal support in appeals against the rejection of international protection requests
  • Consultation and legal assistance for submitting Italian citizenship applications
  • Legal representation in cases against the rejection of Italian citizenship applications
  • Consultation and legal assistance in administrative and judicial proceedings related to the “Decreto Flussi”
  • Consultation and legal assistance in family reunification matters
  • Consultation and legal assistance for residence permit requests and conversions (for work, study, family reasons, etc.)
  • Legal assistance in expulsion and repatriation proceedings
  • Consultation and legal assistance for entry visas.

Studio legale Avv. Giuseppe Briganti - Pesaro - Urbino

Case Examples Handled by Our Law Firm in Immigration Law

  • Legal assistance in formalizing international protection requests
  • Legal representation in cases against the rejection of international protection applications
  • Legal support against the denial of special protection requests to the Questura (Police Headquarters)
  • Legal assistance for citizenship applications through residency (naturalization)
  • Legal support for work permit applications within the “Decreto Flussi” framework
  • Legal assistance in family reunification requests for spouses
  • Legal support for converting special protection residence permits
  • Legal representation in cases against expulsion orders
  • (Under construction. We apologize for the inconvenience).



Contact Us on WhatsApp

+39 3389911553



Italian Immigration Law

Law Firm Attorney Giuseppe Briganti

Pesaro – Urbino